Welcome to the Wonderlusters blog

A travel blog full of great tips on how to travel better and spend less.

Our Mission Statement

The Wonderlusters project started when in November 2017, Jessica and I (Poly) took the crazy decision to go around the world with our two boys. Six months later, we set off on the adventure of a lifetime, which would last 444 days across 50 countries, with 56 flights, 33 car rentals and 181 accommodations on the clock.

It was while planning the trip that I noticed how little information was available on the internet for those who wanted to travel like us. For this reason, I decided to build this website and to gather all the information I wished to have available to me when I was planning my own trip.

Achieving more for less is a philosophy that I apply every day of my life. Thanks to my planning and money management skills, I keep on delivering travel tips and tricks in the completion of this site’s designated mission: to inspire and assist travelers in optimizing the logistics and budget of their next adventures, by providing them with all the tools and information they need to do it on their own.


Don't miss our upcoming posts about how to make the most of your next trip. Subscribe now!

The Highlights of our World Tour

Our family world tour was exciting for us to live. We hope it is as exciting for you to read! 

Accomplishments, highlights, encounters, favorites, an organizational summary and a detailed financial report, I tell you everything!

Useful Travel Tips

I believe that through smart travel planning, we can maximize experiences, enjoyment and comfort, while minimizing costs and effort.

This idea is embodied in two principles: organizational optimization and budget optimization.

Inspiring Destinations

We are serial travel addicts and new adventures lovers.

Through our articles, enhanced with beautiful photos, we want to inspire you to live transformative experiences by showing you beautiful destinations.


We want our lives to be meaningful, by contributing in our own way to support the dreams of others, while fulfilling our own.


Respect is a value that recognizes and accepts the qualities and rights of others. Respect means having consideration for others and their ideas, accepting our differences and disagreements.


Tolerance is an attitude that consists in acknowledging in others a way of thinking or acting that is different from one's own. Tolerance allows us to open up to others, to understand that each person has his/her own history, culture and values.


Humbly acknowledging a wrong, being truthful in all interactions, is the basis of healthy relationships. Being honest also means perceiving ourselves as neither better nor worse than we really are.


Daring to be yourself at the risk of not pleasing everyone is the approach we favour. Finding our own way and walk it without pretention is the direction we choose to take.


We presume that an individual's qualities are intimately bound to the strength of his/her family ties. The beautiful experiences we have with our loved ones are an asset that will never lose its value, unlike any material possession.


We value excellency. For us, this means working with quality, discipline and efficiency. We value the organizational structure and recognize the importance of perseverance.

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